• We help accountants efficiently request, receive, and track information from clients

    We offer a better way to communicate with clients, so you will always be on the same page and be more efficient 

    Receiving the information you need from clients during a project can be challenging. Accountants and clients often experience miscommunication that costs time, money and energy. Communicating effectively about the details of this requested information can be difficult at times. Please Provide offers a better way to communicate with clients so you will always be on the same page and waste less time.

    We assist reducing  partner and manager time through technology and by leveraging staff and admin

    We help you leverage staff to reduce partner and manager time while maintaining oversight and providing a seamless client experience. Clients are not overloaded with multiple points of contact and you maintain control and oversight of your clients.

  • How it Works

    Our secure server and propriety tracking technology relieve accountants of the disorganization, piece-meal receipts, and lost time when requesting from clients multiple piece of information. We also help free up partner and manager time by allowing you to leverage additional staff and admins without overloading the clients with multiple points of contact. In just a few simple steps, we can help you and your clients...

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    Easily add a list of requests for the client and send them a link to a live running list of requested items 

    Our interface allows you to manually type requests or copy and paste from excel.

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    Receive the information from your client

    The client logs in and responds by typing responses and/or adding attachments directly to each request. Requests are then marked "Pending Accountant" so you know the client has addressed them.

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    Track & Remind

    Track the status of each item and send reminder alerts

    You and your client will always know where they stand. No more “What else do I owe you?” or "I already provided that" conversations. Let's us gently remind clients if something is missing.

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    Effectively manage questions and clarifications

    If there is a question or clarification needed, you can communicate in a simple, organized way according to each request by using our chat function linked to each request and logged for future reference.

  • Accountant and Client Key Benefits

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    Accountant Benefits

    • Securely receive information
    • Organize and track requests across multiple clients, staff, and partners
    • Central location for all requests (no more trying to find multiple emails, phone calls, texts, etc.)
    • Always know what is pending and what has been provided
    • Unclutter email inboxes
    • Visibility to see if the client is working on requests or needs more reminders
    • Reduce client response times
    • Automatic reminders to clients for needed information. “Prodding” emails from the platform rather than clients getting ‘annoyed’ by emails from their accountant
    • Dashboard to visually see what is pending each client and accountant
    • Ability to look back on provided information (i.e. “what was provided last year”)
    • Ability to quickly create new requests list based on the prior year for a specific client
    • Detailed history of what was provided and when (useful for billing and timelines/deadline discussions)
    • Ability to let staff easily communicate with clients while maintaining oversight and reducing administrative filing and response times
    • “Internal only” notes can be added for staff instructions, internal comments, workpapers, etc.
    • All team members can access the information and have it available for their work in the current year and can easily refer back to prior years (as opposed to emails that often only go to a few members and not everyone that may need them…or to too many people that may not need them clogging up their email!)
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    Client Benefits

    • Securely provide requested information
    • Organize and track requests
    • Central location for all requests (no more trying to find multiple emails, phone calls, texts, etc.)
    • Always know what is pending and what has been provided
    • Ability to look back on provided information (i.e. “what did I send you last year for this”)
    • Detailed history of what was provided and when
    • No more “what else do I owe you to finish” type questions
    • For larger corporate clients, they can assign each request to a specific person to handle
  • A message from the founder

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    I am currently the managing partner at an active CPA firm in Rhode Island. With a background in both accounting and software design, I originally started designing this software for our firm to address the issues above for which we could not find other available solutions. Over the last few years, we have used the software in our firm and with our clients with very positive feedback from both clients and staff alike. We have quickly realized this platform can help others, especially in today's environment where clients and accountants need real time communications for ever increasing requests; partners and managers are pulled in so many directions; and hiring has become such a challenge. It's time to expand and make the platform scalable to market, but we want to do it slowly and responsibly. Therefore, even though we've thoroughly tested this with our own firm and clients for years, we next want to invite other accounting firms to pilot and provide their feedback before a wider general release.


    I hope you will considering joining us on this journey!

    Justin Duquette, CPA, MPAC

    Founder, Please Provide

  • Join us!

    Have you been invited to join our local accounting firm pilot or are interested in more information and the general future release?

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    Pilot Invitees

    If you've been invited and are interested in joining our small local accounting firm pilot for 2023, please click the button below to sign up


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    Future Waitlist

    Sign up to join our waitlist to be invited to special invite only previews and keep up to date on progress and official launch notifications expected in late 2023